Journal OF Terrorism and National Security
NORDIC COUNTER TERRORISM NETWORK & International ASSociation for counterterrorism and security professionals JOURNAL
The Nordic Counter Terrorism Network (NCTN) and the International Association for Counterterrorism and Security Professionals, Southeast Asia Region (IACSPSEA) Journal is an online journal and a unique platform that unites academics and practitioners who are dedicated to defeating radicalization and its violent manifestations as well as approached to counter and anti-terrorism in all their forms. The journal develops and shares applied knowledge to this critical societal struggle.
The NTCN-IACSP Journal will address all forms of political radicalization as well tactics, targets and procedures of the groups and individuals involved with them, and best practices in challenging the violence and the underlying ideas. This will include the full spectrum of kinetic and not-kinetic counter and anti and counter terrorism approach. The NCTN-IACSP will apply academically and professionally rigorous standards with a strong policy relevant focus.
The NCTN-IACSP journal reaches readers in political violence and terrorism research and the members of the International Association of Counter Terrorism and Security Professionals; the leading association for your field with more than two decades of supporting and developing professionals in the CT community, the Leadership in Counter Terrorism Alumni (LinCT), European Expert Network on Terrorism (EENeT) and will be published on the NTCN-IACSP website. The NCTN-IACSP journal firmly believes the only way to try to defeat a global network spreading humanities worst ideas, is to develop one spreading its best. We look forward to providing that avenue.
The NCTN-IACSP Journal, is a ternary journal that unites the academics and practitioners and welcomes contributions from those working in all aspects in Terrorism and National Security, including academics in practice and academicians providing policy recommendations. Suggested topics are welcome. For submission requirements, please go to or please contact Dr. Shantesh Kumar at or Andrin Raj at